Recent Case Studies
Continental Resources, Inc. – Bakken Shale and STACK E&P Company
Forensic, industry and valuation expert retained by defendant, Continental Resources, to evaluate claims asserted by a vendor/service provider who was repositioned and refinanced through a LBO with PNC Bank and Chambers Energy; evaluated causative factors, gross undercapitalization, going concern and lack of internal process controls of the vendor; evaluated opposing expert's Stout Risius Ross, loss of business value which totaled in excess of $50 million; resulting outcome at trial was a net...
Retail and Wholesale Fuel Supplier – Confidential
Forensic Compliance Expert retained by defense/criminal counsel at Jones Walker (New Orleans) on behalf of a fuel supplier to evaluate nationwide fuel sales to operators conducting oilfield drilling activities in Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Wyoming and other oil and gas producing states in order to respond to an investigation by the U.S. Attorney; matter resolved and no charges brought by U.S.A. for improper fuel sales charges to customers.
Express Credit Auto – Flow of Funds and Tracing for Corporate Separateness:
Retained in a family law dispute to analyze and/or trace funds/property; employed four generally recognized tracing methods; concluded the funds/property could not be sufficiently traced to entities asserted to hold separate, non- jointly owned property.
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